She's finally here! Eden Noel was born on Sunday, February 26th at 9:26 PM after about 32 hours of labor. I'm exhausted just writing that sentence. More pics and news to come.
I find it interesting how my perspective on time has changed within the last couple of days. My mental calendar leading up to the birth has changed from a sense of time and date (Eden's due date is the 21st; Sarah could go into labor any day now) to more of a time-object relationship. I open the fridge and think, "I'll have a daughter before this gallon of milk is gone." I drive to work and think, "I'll have a daughter before I need to fill up again." I play some Halo 2 and think, "I'll only be able to pwn Randolph and Chach 32 more times before I have a daughter." (That's not actually true; I should be able squeeze in at least 50 before Eden comes.)
It gives the birth a whole new sense of exciting, uncertain, impending immediacy.
We are now officially 1 week out from Eden's due date and praying that she'll come anyday now! Angela was gracious enough to take some pictures to help us remember the pregnancy!